| 來自:ywsing0 | 時間:Sun Mar 18 20:21:32 2007 | | <table width=600><tr><td>200703171930@CCGT | La boheme | Welsh National Opera | | Kuno said "I won't watch this since this is nothing new." He may be right, but I long for watching a Boheme on-stage years ago. And now I have watched it for the first time, and although the production is not as good as I think, I would still say this classic is forever so lovely and memorably. While the plot and the puns are already familiar, there is always something new each time you see it. Bravo Puccini. | | I think the libretto was slightly amended for more fun. Musetta took a nice photo before "quando me n'vo"-ing. The production was somehow traditional, as the stage set resembled 18th century Europe, and alas, also the lead singers stood with tremendous weight. | | The Bohemian couple sang with constrained at the beginning. I am sorry for the Che gelida manina. Everything was off-pitch except a few low phrases and the high C, and came the applause - (Well, no one would clap if he done everything right but the C). Given that act 1 of almost every operas are ruined in CCGT, it led me to think the hall did not provide enough warmup rooms for singers. | | Act 3/4 revealed a spinto tenor sound for Rudolfo, a thicker voice than you would imagine for the lyrical role. Finally he delivered "O Mimi tu pure non torni" with more accuracy and subtlety. Mimi was mostly mediocre and sounded harsh on high notes. Musetta has my vote on the look, the voice and the acting (flirting). Marcello was generally charactered well. While Vecchia zimarra may be considered an easy aria, Colline sang it easily with artistic style and professionalism. Schaunard presented a voice in bad conditions during last act. But as always happened, the sad ending moved everyone on and off stage. | | The chorus sound underrehearsed, especially the children employed locally. The orchestra was mostly smooth but not without faults. It is hard to say who is wrong, but occasionally the tempo went differently on- and off-stage during important arias. Mister conductor was only being seen on the one and only one curtain call. | | One statement to conclude, spoken from a Gweilo audience: "This makes me feel younger."</td></tr></table>