| 來自:ywsing0 | 時間:Fri Mar 30 01:08:01 2007 | | <table width=600><tr><td><font face=simsun>大半間眾志給 BA 人佔了, 也不太明白為何大學生總是喜歡大嗌﹑喜歡嘈吵. 又撞到中同吳及其同事, 再加女友一人, 「一個去左買野,一個去左瞰女啦梗係。」食飽就急急腳走, 練歌勒. | | | 由頭到尾唱一次, 放下樂譜已有種不安感, 記者來了以後感覺到大家更緊張了, 怕甚麼呢. 炒係炒, 唯有炒今晚. 老師還來不來幫手? | | 皡的聲音很正氣, 在空教堂中也能project, 唯音樂中仍有可處理的地方. Angelie的聲音本就帶點幽怨, 黃河獨唱的技巧﹑聲音和表達都可以放心, 唯對歌曲仍生疏. 另外長音音尾都要注意音準. 對口曲的生意人像農夫, 農夫卻像生意人, 另外過份缺乏代入感. 在台上兩位老鄉如何interact跟歌唱是一樣重要的課題, 不知王老七有否意識到默契需要訓練, 此事很頭痛. | | My part in Go Down Moses was still reported to be sharp and faster than tempo. More ears. Don't sacrifice pitch for vibrancy, you will get a mic anyway. Doctor Tsoi is obviously not familiar with Deep River, yet K was not as confident as she used to, plus alto H really require a mic to be heard. Firstly the bass lost the pitch, the rhythm came next, and at last the colour. (What was I reading??) More and more counting + practises to come. One lost then all is lost, common for amateurs. | | | 只唱一場的音樂會感覺分外緊張, 炒掉一晩已經冇得補鑊, 冇機會再唱返好佢, 只有背水一戰. | | 最麻煩的惱人事取銷了, 還有人說「阿成個樣都開心晒,唔似琴日愁眉苦臉」, 我確是不擅忍隱的人罷. 完全鬆了一口氣, 可以真正投入音樂會. 副團長罵我怎麼不訂票, 她當獨唱的話就搵晒朋友黎包場啦云云. 幸好還有點時間, 之前不知所措, 現在空閒多了找多點朋友來吧. 一方面對自己的唱歌並不大信心, 一方面要熱心推廣, 不知大家有否這種矛盾的想法. | | | "The song was made famous by Paul Robeson whose voice, deep and resonant as it was, was said by some to have attained the status of the voice of God" (<a href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_Down_Moses>Go Down Moses</a>) | | | Fleming may encore Over the Rainbow in her recital.</font></td></tr></table>