
時間:Sat Apr 07 10:54:23 2007

星期一大致上都忘了, 晚上 S3V GK2617 就像在坐三菱起步一樣.

坐星期三交票給大聲, 以為必遲的逸夫練歌卻因剛好遇上校巴早到. 有些團友對樂團暗皺眉頭, 首次排練是沒辦法的事吧. 夜宵是接受不了的輕佻, 吸煙我管不了, 怎能將污煙瘴氣噴在人面上的呢?

星期四休息, 往圖書館借了三本書, 包括那本很貴的 Mac OS X Internals. 香港圖書館的書籍管理認真世界一流. 讀電腦科書籍最好的地方, 不是DataBank, 不是尚書房, 未必是大學, 而是公共圖書館. 嗓子很拆.

星期五一早到中大, 不料本部的所有餐廳都收工, 唯有行落美心吃飯. 坐校巴上錢lib看書, 結果畀大大串:「呢 d 書你都唔識睇架啦,去搵堆金庸好過啦!不過呢度 d 金庸收得好埋的,慢慢搵啦……」對口唱的配搭變成了哄堂, 實在始料不及. 神情演技零蛋, 做得地道不太可能吧, 表演別要太糗就好. 唱歌不能不思考, 卻又不能思考.

直接間接賣左十二張... 嘻嘻, 表演都係做場show之嘛, 放鬆去玩就好了 :-P

癲... 中大斜我未見過有車過到 65!!

「之前我又坐過 EL7853 上映月臺
經黃師傅鎖波上後 2 波盡哂 55 上映月臺
上中大少人可以 71, 72
多人o既話都起碼有 69 ~」


David Copperfield who made The Statue of Liberty disappeared.
Did that sound like Mozart's requiem?

"Poundstone wrote six pages on this trick and included a nifty illustration, but I'll just give you a basic summary: Copperfield had a setup of two towers on a stage, supporting an arch to hold the huge curtain that would be used to conceal the statue. The TV cameras and the live audience only saw the monument through the arch. When the curtains closed, David waxed poetic while the stage was ... slowly ... and imperceptibly ... turned. When the curtains opened, the statue was hidden behind one of the towers, and the audience was looking out to sea. Voila! The Statue of Liberty has disappeared!

Even if the stage hadn't completely hidden the statue, the towers were so brightly lit that the audience would be nightblinded. Copperfield had also set up two rings of lights--one around Liberty, and another set up somewhere else. When the trick "happened," his assistants simply turned off the lights around the statue and turned on the other set for the helicopters to circle around.

Oh--the radar blip? It was simply video game animation.

Straight Dope Science Advisory Board"
