時間:Thu Apr 12 00:45:37 2007
人情果是難卻的東西, 應了kyfung9的邀請吃飯, 一見面便是「唔同左樣既?肥左咁喎!」. 中﹑大學時的我會一口拒卻, 長大了圓潤了, 舊同學們也推不了. 今次沒有本著甚麼都不幫襯的決心, 下星三還有下場. 夜晚到銅鑼灣吃飯, 逛新華書城. 有念頭想買 Linux 掌上電腦, 不過底線是能用 g++, 寫唔到程式乜都係假. 我的要求很簡單, 不過我是怪人. 看余教授的評語, 其實很多是資源所限, 有錢請得起full orch何必帳惱呢. 不知李教授說 Mouli Hua 是指那一首. 我都想試不用amp, 不過唔係今次啦. 要投射得好似乎在近中央位置較適合. 現在的獨唱變成半調子, 隻mic唔夠響. Decent singers? 哈哈. Music is ideal, but life isn't.※ 分析結果: 我可能是好朋友, 但不是好情人. ※ 機場2號客運樓翔天廊. 我覺得好型喎!! I did not know Deep River can be sang as Solo. Who don't want Moffo for his Mimi? O soave fanciulla. I thought her technique was not perfect, but her Vocalise sounded nicer than Fleming. If not C#, I wanna sing that too... 'Pavarotti said that whenever he gets a new aria to sing he thinks "How would Tucker sing it".' ※ 七件世間的大錯事 (Mahatma Gandhi) |