| 來自:ywsing0 | 時間:Sat Apr 21 22:27:00 2007 | | | 來自:文盲 | | 時間:Sat Apr 21 09:59:12 2007 | | | | | | | It seems only me is keeping faith in badminton. Now most would not wake up for a not-very-early game. Hong Kong people are all buried in their work. I got the court ready but players are so hard to find!! | | | | | | | 你通常咩日子咩鐘數打架? | | 如果arm我又有d想打. | | | | (但我好渣的, 當年文學院盃我對個校隊, 連輸十五分, 打完返埋自己系d同學度佢地問我: 「開始未?」 我話:「打完啦.」 佢地話:「下?我以為你地頭先猜下波咋」) | | | 你起到身咩? 我多數打星期六 10am-12pm. | 場地視乎邊度卜得到, 走遍全港都有. | | 中大校隊麼? 新亞院長盃時我敗陣後觀戰, 冠軍戰兩個都係院隊, 勁到爆燈... | 冇打開當然得個輸字.