Times Square﹑Audition

時間:Mon Jun 25 22:21:55 2007

星期一跟 CWM/FKL/HF 在灣仔午膳, 下午還要不斷打發時間, 偏偏又眼訓得要命. 咖啡店上網的位子給人坐了, 忽然明白這類舖頭的生意經, 賣咖啡給你提神包不會在椅上訓著, 不致於整店人都在打鼻寒. 在時代廣場頂樓的影碟舖舒舒服服坐下來看 HiFi 雜誌不知不覺半小時, 結果居然被店員狠盯. 這種「冇幫襯就過主」的商店文化也是香港很令人討厭的地方, 雖然我又猜如果是靚女大抵會換來截然不同的態度. 去新華再看, . 仍然未弄懂灣仔碼頭的設計, 我見到兩個入口尖沙咀﹑紅磡各一, 卻沒有分樓上樓下; 我上船時通道只通下層, 可下船時卻發覺上層亦有乘客. 不明白. 那是歷史最久的天星號, 近來似乎走灣仔線為多.

OHK audition took place in the spacious HKCC GR2. Met D the real person, filled a form, and then about 15 minutes of waiting. K noticed most auditionees are females. Good that I can chat with him, to get not so bored and relax a bit. In the room, both the upcoming Radames and the chorusmaster directed the audition. W have a very dull and tired face at first. J hesitated some while until he signaled my accompanist to start. My heart actually beated quickly but I thought I didn't show it and looked very calm.

It was a relieve when W's eyes became a little delighted as I started singing. The Vagabond was still amateurous with one wrong phase/a few missing words, but at least my voice was loud enough to interest him. The range test followed, in which tension prohibited me to fully show off high register (Also surprise that W misjudged that the highest G I sang was an A; shouldn't tenors be very sensitive on high notes?) J judged my passaggio to be about Eb. W said he will put me into either T2 or baritone - So the "華人第一男高音" halfly agreed I am a tenor. Haha! I briefly answered his question that my high notes are easier to be heard, so tentatively I am a T2 now.

Actually these should only be the first half of the audition. The second half, supposed to be sight-singing, ended just in a few words. 「幫我向 Albert 問好。呀,你識唔識睇譜?……得啦,唔識就叫 Albert 慢慢教你。」OK, I can go now; though I still don't know what a sight-singing test is like, as I never had a proper one in all previous auditions.

So my way to Aida is mostly settled. Albert was right advising me to give good first impressions. The rest is how much time I can spend on rehearsals (and also how to get contract lens for stage).

Once again, my thanks to K who accompanied me excellently, both in lessons and audition.