時間:Fri Aug 03 00:03:13 2007
有太多理由日頭唔返工, 所以食完晏跟阿姨們去了山頂. 婆婆也在, 大家走得很慢. 表姊對攝皇帝相的店舖很大興趣, 連帶可知杜蘭朵的形象對西人有多大吸引力. 出戶外遊一圈又是一身汗. 灣仔碼頭巧遇哥白尼.黃, 主要談起下年頭鷹社聚會的事, 人物地點價錢都不易定, 退休了的老師更不易找. 想起來小時候做的怪事很多, 很多老師再見到都會尷尬. 要尷尬的事也真太多, 人生太多覊絆. 感冒聲唱埃依達, 每上一粒G就有啖潭上頸. First rehearsal with J, the vocalization was based on mask. He is actually not bad - That is not talking on conducting (I didn't watch from far behind, haha). There are singers with such scary ability that it seems he can sing the whole opera just by eyes. Still the feeling is people are not very friendly. Felt very bad for myself... Memorization before Sept. __ Maestros. |