| 來自:ywsing0 | 時間:Fri Sep 21 22:49:59 2007 | | | 來自:文盲 | | 時間:Thu Sep 20 02:32:45 2007 | | | | | | Michal Lehotský | | | 唱得有點厚, 同埋把聲的 passaggio 明顯比較低. | 似係 spinto tenor 多d. | | | | Jose Bros | | | 速度掌握不好. 比伴奏唱快一點會更flowing. | 高音不怎樣就揀第二d rep 啦. | | | | Javier Camarena (2006) | | | 好似一首 mf 就夠的歌唱晒做 ff 咁. | 想起肥佬的大師班: 弄臣 Questa o quella, 伴奏staccato時﹑歌唱要legato. | | | | Sung Chun Park | | Cosmin Ifrim | | | 不錯. | | | | 楊陽 | | | 但 Donizetti 的確不用太dramatic. | 尾音sharp到阿媽都唔認得. | 有冇黎香港唱過? | | | | Paul Austin Kelly | | | 嗯. | | | | 張立軍 | | | This is french? | | | | aurelio2125 (又係加d) | | | sobs, in this happy moment......... | singing faster and faster. | mf is actually enough for this. | Dimmed in the last note!? | | | | Luciano Pavarotti (得把聲) | | | The most dintinguished tenor voice. | Still a bit sharp at the end. | | | Will OHK stage La fille...? | (Oh no, no W Mok!!)