
時間:Mon Oct 01 22:52:23 2007

琴日把聲終於返黎喇. 打開下顎的共鳴腔. (我唱的A是不是假音呢?)

由城門水塘步行至西方寺, 途中不曾見過塘水. 三小時不算長, 石屎森林很破壞風景, 唯走到某三面山谷處眼界較翠綠文秀. 行山團共五十人, 成家老世個個天性心急拋離大隊, 到寺一張十人枱吃齋吃得飛快, 四伯跟鄰枱單聲「我地走喇」果時佢地都未開飯.

不想再流身汗, 下午去尖沙咀趕歌劇院的大師班. 我一直以為男低音唱F不難, 技巧來說男聲應沒有分別; 但即使龔也要靠Jerome Hines幫忙去練好那高音, 那比喻是想像吸氣的動作--藝成之後回到以前的老師, 人人說 "This is exactly what I taught you!" 他的英語口音不易聽. 評論別人甚易, 但自己出去唱會點就難講. 遲到錯過駱生唱唐卡洛入面男低音詠嘆調有點可惜, 薜也可以, 其他人就覺cosi cosi.

The shopping plaza below my home finally opened today. Very classy and indeed a big site, while the great brands and high prices dimmed all my thoughts to buy things here. Did not find the bookstore as sis talked. The medium-sized HMV has no surprises. There's neither Cafe de Coral fastfood nor healthy-style restaurant so I wonder whether Mum & Dad would like it. Restaurants are all full and we only managed to eat in the supermarket. Mediocre service revealed they are unprepared for the opening.

"They worked at Hell Suck Busy Company."

第一印象何其重要, 識兩日就幾句大話的朋友, 諗起都唔想理.