| 來自:ywsing0 | 時間:Sat Oct 27 23:12:35 2007 | | <table width=600><tr><td>深水埗的茶餐廳很大碟飯, 飽了連下午茶都不用. 差不多三百元一個連琴鍵鍵盤蠻有趣, 鬼佬把玩完買埋. 我都想買, 不過覺得那店員很無禮囉... 下午少有地有特定目標去購物, 但結果買不到. | | 聽藝術節的SAMPLER, 有袁晨野的 Largo al factotum. 忽想如果最後一粒 della citta 唱上去而唔係唱落黎, 結尾爆粒高音C--話唔定可以一舉成名. | | | ※ | | | 出名失敗的<a href=http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/eee-pc/article?mid=111&prev=126&next=94&l=f&fid=15>電腦系列</a> | | | ※ | | | 廿七歲的葛斯多羅剛演完大都會debut. | <a href=http://parterre.com/2007/10/di-faci-tuttavia-splende-il-costello.html>http://parterre.com/2007/10/di-faci-tuttavia-splende-il-costello.html</a> | | "he might be wise to ... concentrate on roles like Ernesto, Nadir and Nemorino that could capitalize on his soaring upper register and boyish charm and let himself grow" | | 他的對手, <a href=http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Annick+Massis&search=Search>Annick Massis</a>, 聲音很有百年前古人錄音的味道. 查不到年紀.</td></tr></table>