時間:Wed Nov 14 00:01:33 2007
午飯找到 TCH 往灣仔. 公司日夜雞犬不靈, 話題不離近來的變遷, 以及各式指誰罵誰. CWM 很理解及支持我的離開. 回到中環遇上 AI, 第一句始終是大家還是老樣子. LHS 的目標是下年四月之後. 傳聞 TY 也在策動. ※ 收到邀請才記起王的婚禮正正在年尾. 分身得在那兒呢? 另, 以我所知, 新娘子A以前都是中大團的. ※ 另一邊廂: "I wanted to propose on her birthday when we had our vacation in Bali. 9 days before her birthday, I started to give her a bouquet of flowers and a card for 10 consecutive days for our 10 years of relationship. And of course, a ring to be presented to her on her birthday. Congratulations my old friend... To me, this thing is unimaginable. |