時間:Mon Feb 11 00:36:28 2008
200802102000@HKCCCCCH Lea Salonga & HKPO 坐車時忽想,我買山頂票附近會不會坐滿賓賓呢?最後兩邊坐的華人,但確實有菲傭入場,哈。中大團團長I和前莊員K看免費票反而在台前。還見到舊同事Adam很想打招呼,卻沒機會。唯一可說是看得很清楚台上指揮(撒隆加大佬)穿的是黑白布鞋。 Lea sang perfectly. Such a natural performer with in-born musicality. While there are singers out there with technique as good as her, Lea has the ability to add that sweet and innocent tone to her voice, which makes she outstanding among others. That's also why Reflection in Mulan my favourite; she sang the original longer version in concert. On the other hand she can sing dramatic passages very well, with much flexibility going between ff and pp. In the encores she can even do very nice jazz. It may sound bad to compare singers in different genre, but Fleming could not shed my tears. Lea did. p.s. 女士們要注意,文化中心上音樂廳二樓的螺旋梯係極易走光位置,尤其下低有我呢種麻甩佬捕住,小心了。 |