| 來自:ywsing0 | 時間:Sun Mar 09 23:29:15 2008 | | <table width=600><tr><td>週六上課,晚上聽弄臣。或者這樣說:貴得來有點道理。其實中場係咪應該換杯紅酒摸摸杯底呢? | | 探叔公的團沒我們孫子輩的份。 | | 週日晩聚“舊舊同事”,在太子吃海鮮,坐位窄杯碟髒。食瀨尿蝦怕爆痱滋,生果是最好吃的菜。不要低估別人的社交能力--一檯六人居然有五人(循不同途徑)認識WWL!上咖啡座打發時間,他們好像預定我對北海道駕車觀光旅行沒興趣,其實我都想去架。睇電視睇到遊戲都唔玩就散。 | | | ※ | | | Eclipse確是memory-hog. | 功能很多,但比較一下,其實所謂autoforrmat, 當年的qbasic.exe都有了… | | | ※ | | | "Something I've noticed as well is how the popular male singers of today seem to be really high girly sounding voices, I wonder why this is that the lovely low baritone and bass doesn't seem to be all that marketable in the pop industry. It is my very favourite sound and probably why many of those old classic Frank Sinatra type songs are becoming popular all over again." (Liz)</td></tr></table>