fainted woman

時間:Tue May 13 09:26:06 2008


前幾日坐 281A 返屋企,臨落車時有個戴耳筒的人由上層落黎同我打招呼。應該係朋友我點左下頭啦,但佢貌似A君又有點像H先生。佢專心聽歌我根本冇機會發話,結果變成了一個謎:究竟佢係邊個???

在頁壹堂看到 City of Darkness 一本書有 "filth" 一個字。心念忽動,怎麼沒人弄隻港版遊戲叫 Walled City Runner 呢?

Took a ride on Euro IV Enviro 500. I was thinking to walk a while in cwb but the NWFB 5512 @route 112 stopped in front of me. Couldn't resist and reached So Uk.

Great road power and obviously the driver was enjoying it, full-throttling or kicking down everywhere on the road. The power would come through after 20km/h, and excellent climbing it shown on bridges and tunnel exits. The driver got a newly-designed neat driving panel, with a computerized LCD in the middle, but kept beeping for this and that. The suspension is inherited from its Euro 3/Trident roots. Spacious seats were well comfortable, making the bus-ride an excellent experience (and I think Hong Kong got the best buses among Asia). A pity was the loud noise from air conditioning duct.

The purple colorings chosen by NWFB were nice and warm. Panel space for Roadshow monitors much more increased, perhaps they will put in a 24" LCD (prices are cheap nowadays.)




