| 來自:ywsing0 | 時間:Tue May 13 09:26:06 2008 | | <table width=600><tr><td>話說幾年前有個做過兩個月的舊同事A,同埋周圍行識到又唔熟的H先生,兩個唔啦更的人,但(我成日覺得)佢地好似樣。 | | 前幾日坐 281A 返屋企,臨落車時有個戴耳筒的人由上層落黎同我打招呼。應該係朋友我點左下頭啦,但佢貌似A君又有點像H先生。佢專心聽歌我根本冇機會發話,結果變成了一個謎:究竟佢係邊個??? | | | 在頁壹堂看到 City of Darkness 一本書有 "filth" 一個字。心念忽動,怎麼沒人弄隻港版遊戲叫 Walled City Runner 呢? | | | Took a ride on Euro IV Enviro 500. I was thinking to walk a while in cwb but the NWFB 5512 @route 112 stopped in front of me. Couldn't resist and reached So Uk. | | Great road power and obviously the driver was enjoying it, full-throttling or kicking down everywhere on the road. The power would come through after 20km/h, and excellent climbing it shown on bridges and tunnel exits. The driver got a newly-designed neat driving panel, with a computerized LCD in the middle, but kept beeping for this and that. The suspension is inherited from its Euro 3/Trident roots. Spacious seats were well comfortable, making the bus-ride an excellent experience (and I think Hong Kong got the best buses among Asia). A pity was the loud noise from air conditioning duct. | | The purple colorings chosen by NWFB were nice and warm. Panel space for Roadshow monitors much more increased, perhaps they will put in a 24" LCD (prices are cheap nowadays.) | | | 週日一兩天陪伴爸媽,好像吃了不少。 | | | ※ | | | 昨晚在太興忍不住叫了奶茶,有點怕可能睡不好,結果果然難入眠。妹整晚沒回家,來媽說她留了在中大。 | | 今早渾渾噩噩地走到地鐵站,見到有人下車便上了車,就站在門邊,挨三分鐘車程。到得香港站幕門一開,聽到有一聲男人叫喊,然後才看到身旁的女子一下子倒了下去,差點丟了進月台空隙。不知道發生甚麼事幸好還有反應,一把抓住再托起她脅下。一望只見她一臉蒼白,雙眼青青的茫然無神,不能站立,怕是已經昏迷了大半。我就在那裏托著她站了十幾秒,不知如何是好。幸好還有人在旁扶著她。那人看來像她的朋友,我一猶疑便放了手,見她們扶著找椅子坐下。 | | 後來沒我的事,只是那煞白的面孔和驚怖的眼神,久久不能忘懷。 | | | ※ | | | 奇怪的一天,不經意坐電梯走到上環文娛中心六樓,居然給我看了一個很奇怪的藝術品展覽,”Para/Site不入虎穴”。有捷克的週六生活訪問﹑飾物佈置成的「山水畫」﹑紙製1:1匯豐獅子﹑老土兒童節目重播﹑完全唔啦更DNA比較圖﹑不明頭腦的「信差」網站等。得我一個觀眾咋陰公。一睇見呢幾挺野就諗,可惜霧霧係意大利,如果唔係最岩佢了……</td></tr></table>