時間:Sat May 17 00:39:16 2008
週三的會議,變成了只為找朋友吃個飯,做事倒是其次。對手太強﹑資源太少,連鳥抓不到機會也算意料之中。論得著不算太差,有學到東西,也識得一兩條傾得埋既友仔(信我,友仔係好過朋友架)。為免持續痛苦﹑白費努力,這次嚐試宣告死亡;但合作是不會停的,有心機去找別的點子,下個目標再幹。 I think every linux user did ever try once the stupid thing "rm -rf /boot" in his/her life. Last night when ppl were talking and when I was unmindful, I performed that to my Eee. A copied Ubuntu kernel from koala-laptop won't help to boot it up for God-know-why reason. Luckily the helpful Singaporean Daniel was there to save my darling over the night (He sent me his /boot zipped up.) All being said, I would think it's much better to separate the superuser and authority control mechanisms. You have to grant rights before doing what you gonna do for whoever you are. So that'll be a point when I am rolling out my operating system. ※ 看見有人很像 WHT 轉個街角 沒有問係咪果個 保持神秘感都係好事 ※ 應酬呢樣野原本冇乜所謂,但開始多開始煩的時候真係冇乜心機。做人已經夠忙,, 仲有保險經紀打黎-- 唔好扮熟喎,我唔再chum人玩架喇!! 或者話,做人要有個方向,唔係乜都奉陪。 ※ Went to a "popular version" of the operetta La perichole, staged by Jerome Savary. Lots and lots of dialogues; miked voices; pop dances; modern jokes; only certain arias or choruses belong to the original Offenbach, and they instead put in Bizet, Les contes D'Hoffman, some Spanish sounds and Elvis Presley altogether for a big jam. The two leads are good voices, but others' singing were out of bel canto and just so-and-so, compensated by abundant expression in acting. The show ended in French's specialty "love above anything else" style. It was fun nevertheless, and with all those fancy stuff the plot is much more powerful than the same plain opera I watched a year or two ago. Poor attendance is a pity. |