tram 120 / temper... / bugs bunny

時間:Fri Jul 11 15:34:39 2008





這幾天在家做甚麼?玩Supertux... 嗯,弄了個計算依賴(類似make)的小程序來編譯程式。

"Thank's okay if you want to call it nonsense. One of the nonsense items that came out of the study of areodynamics was that it is impossible for birds to fly. ...... Add to this that the three tenors, following the advice of Mario Lanza and Jerome Hines, all blew up balloons to improve their capacity , ergo, their singing." (Dr Dean)


Bugs bunny. Kill the Rabbit. Music by Richard Wagner.

"Oh, I had grand plans for myself. I was gonna save the world.

But guess what? Everything's come full circle and the only thing I'm trying to do right now is to save myself.

In 2008, I am going to save myself."