時間:Tue Jul 15 11:28:56 2008
週六上課後探病,前幾天打聽到醫生那邊的消息真的不好。後上聯合,表妹的笑容很溫暖。青姨先發冷後發燒,大家唯無助地看著。一個人打冷顫可以掙扎到全身彈彈下--不禁懷疑現代醫學延長的是人的壽算還是人的痛苦。間中想起小昭歌兒裏的一句;有些事離大家很近,不過繁囂的生活令大家看不到而已。 週日父家飲晏晝茶,德裕也來。新出糧的細妹在將軍澳請客晚飯。 週一占美.陳排女聲,乘有空返中大。未唱過貝九,得說這合唱很有挑戰性。很恐怖的聲音--當E/F都未唱得好時,又怎會唱到那堆A呢?我的耳朵真係不很受得。爛,我認架。 ※ "And this feeling of being in control of all the fine variations in phrasing and sound, that's pure fun. Even when you are singing. It's not fun if you have to belabor your instrument to get there. But the performance is not the place to work. If the listener says 'Boy, you manage this hard stuff really impressively!', you are not there yet. Only when it sounds easy and fun and self-evident, have you mastered it. And then it _is_ fun. ... But the way there probably is not fun. If you are lucky, it is an obsession." (David Kastrup) 發現 冇錯!!! |