Re:Vaughan Williams' Sea Symphony

時間:Wed Sep 17 00:16:07 2008

Maybe Vincent Lau will know that? haha...

Seldom the chorus has such as 'weight' in a symphony - it's even out-weight those counterparts by Beethoven (only in 1 movement) and Mahler (most of the substance in the orchestra, still). I could immediately think of another case is Hans Werner Henze's 9th Symphony, which even does not have any soloists at all. (PS. It's atonal.)

Wiki's list of Choral Symphonies

時間:Mon Sep 15 23:04:58 2008

時間:Mon Sep 15 20:15:44 2008

This is the 'TRUE' Choral Symphony by any sense. Really hope one day it'll get performed in Hong Kong again.

