b9, ned kelly

時間:Fri Sep 19 13:22:46 2008


週三差點忘掉回中大。唱過威爾第再唱貝多芬很有不慣。同埋對低音冇乜興趣…… 原來唱錯左係會愈唱把聲愈細的,失去了某些harmonics.

週四下班跟老豆通電時清姨已不在。夜晚吃個飯,找W去 Ned Kelly 聽jazz, 也飲蘋果鬼佬涼茶。其實係吹開水兼見人地網誌有講所以黎睇下。六個老band友挺風趣,吹trumpet都可以扮雞叫,那領唱傢伙聽極都唔明是澳洲音吧。但呢類中坑bar搵靚女就難d喇。間野入面陳設好熟,肯定好耐之前黎過的,偏生記不起幾時同邊個(我有幾可飲酒呀?)回家看電郵,終究不是文字人,寫雞腸更尤其,花了很多時間去嚼字回覆表妹。





"How very sad that these people, who thought they had real jobs, are now or will probably be unemployeed soon. I liked the comment about going back to school. Possibly they could take classes that teach one how to actually find a job that produced something of value for our country instead of sitting around all day trying to get people to buy and sell nothing. Teaching, nursing, and science come to mind as possible majors that will produce American citizens who participate in our country rather than ride on top of its non-existant “financial system” known in legal circles as a ‘Ponzi Scheme” I believe. ..." (richopp)