週五,晏晝行行下電腦商場,第二次畀人話我似陳錦雄!!我戴左眼鏡架!十二月的野,搵人搵得咁鬼心急…… 想去又冇得去,算勒。 週六,在圖書館重看陸小鳳,上課,聽音樂會。 ※ 200809272000@HKCC CCCH
A Symphonic Century: The Valkyrie Gosh, 2 complimentary tickets (and couldn't find anyone else to go with me.) Obviously the concert did not sell well, what a pity. I felt fine in both Beethoven and Wagner. During the former, I nearly
recalled some very old memories in the past (I don't know why.) I think
the orchestra performed well, but just I do not hear much details from
my seat near last row in CCCH. Tenor Simon O'Neill was great. Fine, strong voice in good control with
no pushing. I don't know whether the last high note is C but it did
show his wide vocal range. Bass-baritone Daniel Sumegi has a stentorian
voice; while he more often resonate in chest tones, his interpretation
was lively. Unfortunately Janice Watson sounded rather like a typical lyrical
soprano than a Wagnerian. I would expect her part to have darker voice
quality and a stronger middle. From her bio Wagner is not her often
repertoire. She kept reading the score (the tenor did not need it, the
baritone just take it to be safe) and do not seem to be really in her
role. I don't know why she is chosen in this concert.