
時間:Sun Nov 09 00:52:05 2008

週日,貝九又一次敗在 CCCH balcony... 坐左成粒鐘(搭飛機去左台灣喇),到唱時聲帶總是吃不消。業餘演出來說樂團和獨唱都唔話得,唯覺合唱一團糟。午晚接連排練演出,沒有回氣休息。唱不出共鳴可能是被同化,高音同中音都唔知點好,比之前的排練都差。




Gonna fallback to Gnome.

Interviewed with an agent on Thur noon. Cunning people.
(Not even a smile. I must be a boring guy. But sensible advices.)

Explaining my previous choices become difficult.
(Indeed I am bad in job interviews, and I am getting to hate them. A time-waster.)

Switching to a contract job is risky.
(or, I am not in the mood to switch yet. So, next time.)

What leaves me to think is I am paid too low.
(Less than my plans in 03. I'd beat myself if I knew I only earn this much with this exp.)

Because I prefer Simpler life?
(and not those things as abstract as ladder or career.)

But how will things go?
(Just a bit lost...)
