時間:Sun Feb 08 11:18:06 2009
週一晚七姑姐擺酒,預祝兒子六月在加國結婚。有電視反而冇乜好傾,或者係話題人物都在場的緣故啦。始終唔記得睇姑姐送果套碟。 週五。近一年都是在電腦前工作, 好耐冇開過呢種各說自話的長氣會,又見到人生各態。晚上又到不了公司的飯局(次次都唔得閒!),因為想跟舊同事聚多點嘛,一來少見、二來沒了工作關係反而輕鬆。CWM/TCM 成了一對,跟 AI 一樣又是今年。LN 還是吝嗇的老樣子,派利是只派五封畀班女就話派晒,這種姑寒總是有點不順眼。 週六日爸媽返大陸,逛書局碰到德裕,於是約了上課後晚飯。找了亞皆老街的醫生看小腿皮膚,其實覺得佢睇得好快有點貪生意(姑娘又叮囑要覆診),但我都係要果枝岩用的藥嗟,咁就三百六仲唔知有冇得claim. 結果晚上冠群沒到,倒是我叫了依華來,加上三個姑姐和民安隊制服的郁仔,氣氛很好,尤其笑起爸習性的時候。在 Rice*Paper 後面那檯居然坐了 ST;最後亦沒打招呼。在 LOGON 走時又遇西蒙.雷及女友。 可能吃得不少,衝過了百六磅。 ※ "......there is an aura of sadness and nostalgia seeping through the walls. an empty seat at the dinner table, an absence of the sound of flip flops. it’s the small things that are especially poignant. wiping off the dust that settled on a jar of face cream that neither my dad nor i use, i was thinking of the last time it was opened. whether i should just throw out the cream. i left it sitting in the bathroom in the end." (cousin) |