時間:Sun Aug 23 01:36:58 2009
週四,陳仔係又一城 Pizza Express 派帖。老樣子。食唔飽囉。 週五好多人,整體的聲都強壯好多,唯女高音們始終教人失望。晚上抓了太陽神來食宵,結果整晚由偉文帶頭討論其舊同事。大家兩杯下肚開始冇果句講果句,唯我覺得太陽神仲未講晒真話出黎。三時散場 N122 再打的。 週六上早課,課後老師即速閃趕會女朋友,真係一餐晏都唔放過。遂跟三位柯氏及一弟子食越南餐廳。個個都有車渣,個個都畀人抄過牌,除左我。 ※ "This is the GREATEST broadcast of LA FORZA ever filmed or taped. The first time I saw it, my jaw almost hit the floor. You are right. The opera lovers of the 50's and 60's were spoiled beyond belief." |