
時間:Sat Dec 26 12:48:19 2009

週三 (9Dec),收了電話,下了決斷。決斷左個腦冇咁亂。好唔好左我唔知,學柯大俠話齋「最緊要前途較好」,走著瞧。其實我想放大假嗟……

週日 (13Dec) Clement & Grace 婚宴。Mandy在姊妹團會客,Alex, Sarah當司儀,唔知有冇講左十分鐘。G感言說會好好照顧C. 舊同事變舊友,大家都留在這行,閒談有點得著。

下週一 (21Dec)。AI 婚禮搵人夾 a cappella, 我都想玩...

聖誕沒啥事幹。平安夜街上沒幾團獻得出像樣的詩。翌日看 CUC 在美麗華演出,只聽到男低音們舖天蓋地,幸好還剩女高音的旋律。也許埃歷士.陳實在太投入。跟朗奴.範久沒見面。尖沙咀一連兩個商場開幕,名店一堆卻沒東西看。


"It was they, I think, who in their unconscious ways dared us students, living in a most commercialized city, to look beyond the dollar sign and see the exploration of new frontiers in human knowledge as an intellectually rewarding and challenging pursuit." (Daniel Tsui)

"得正常,year 1的course是要讓學生以為學到很多東西才受歡迎;year 3的course是要受學生歡迎則要讓他們覺得學不到東西" (khwang0)