| 來自:樹雄 | 時間:Fri 2018-01-12 19:06:41 | | | 來自:ywsing0 | | 時間:Fri 2018-01-12 17:30:31 | | | | | 來自:樹雄 | | | 時間:Fri 2018-01-12 14:06:44 | | | | | | I think spellcheck is a nice thing to keep. Probably because Firefox doesn't have it on annoying level XD. | | | | even "lol" shows a red under-line... sosad | | | | lol | | | | | - use other default fonts, maybe in this order "Helvetica, Roboto, Verdana" | | | | these fonts are sans serif, and a bit humanist, 好似係 | | | | better not be times new roman XD | | | | | | Styles should be overridible anyway. A different issue from program feature but doable. | | | | | | Roborto, right? | | | | Roboto. | | | | 但好多機係無 Helvetica/Roboto, 所以要 Verdana fallback. | | Roboto 好似可以用 Webfont | 起碼英文字有支援 | | | 仲有條 URL 有斜間做尾係會唔 work, not found | | https://stupidsing.no-ip.org/forum2.php/ | | 一陣 fix 下