Re: 說好了的 wayland?

時間:Mon 2018-01-29 19:37:03

時間:Sun 2018-01-28 10:20:54

Bionic Beaver 18.04 LTS to use Xorg by default

Bionic Beaver 18.04 LTS to use Xorg by default
Bionic Beaver, the codename for the next Ubuntu LTS release, is due in April 2018 and will ship with both the traditional Xorg graphics stack as well as the newer Wayland based stack, but Xorg will be the default. 17.10, released in…

Xserver 跟 intel 指令集一樣,都係live with the shits好了...

連太空人個blog 都係成年先更新一次

應該可以裝到 wayland session,但唔敢用嚟做 default 住。始終 LTS 要保守少少。

17.10 都有啲奇怪 bug,我其中一部機熄 mon 重開會死 desktop session。暫時無解。