時間:Mon 2019-02-18 15:47:09
時間:Sun 2019-02-17 09:01:49Keyteo Consulting Pte. Ltd.
Record No. Address
1 FLAT/RM *** */F LOON KEE BUILDING 267-275 DES VOEUX ROAD CENTRAL SHEUNG WAN HKBusiness Registration Number Enquiry and Application for Supply of Information on the Business Register
Step 3 - Business Registration Number Enquiry
Particulars of your target business:
Business Registration No. 55990644 - 000
Name of Business / Corporation (Chinese)
Name of Business / Corporation (English) KEYTEO CONSULTING PTE. LTD.
It is recommended that you print a hard copy of this page for reference.唔,香港係有 BR 的,唔係坡野
is there a difference between a BR and a CR?
喺香港有生意 (i.e. business) 就需要有 BR
但唔一定要有 CR(比如獨資經營)
就需要有 CR