時間:Mon Feb 13 00:01:07 2006
當鄰座乘客起身下車的時候我已經看見了座椅上一堆利是封, 當時只想「現在的人真沒公德心,拆完就咁將吉封丟在車上……」
但再看清楚, 每一封都黏得實實不似開過口, 順著好奇, 摸一摸在陽光下照照, 真是有料的.
想開口去叫但車子都關門預備開了, 只有眼看物主被絕塵而去.
我的確有這衝動, 但不, 我一封都沒有吞掉.
未必是良心, 但就是不想自己的行為蒙上污點, 不想留下道德的話柄.
貪字, 得個貧.
相比起來, 練歌出現女孩並沒甚麼, 因為今晚有人一帶三.
是 C 的朋友還是蔡的朋友? 大抵關係錯綜複雜.
波友打完波, 七個人去食日本野. 檸茶都冇都唔知咩舖頭黎.
祝是小學同學嗎, 個名係有d熟, 似係聽人傾過, 唔擔保冇同過班.
另外兩個就更加唔知乜水. 道不同, 根本冇乜野好傾.
呀有聽到一句--「日本男人個個都係變態架。」Totally agreeable!!
討厭二手煙. I hate smokers.
老實講, 走都走唔切呀.
"The network of the graduates of a department is such a valuable resource. While some other schools are trying hard to keep update contacts with their graduates, I don't understand why IE always wants to delete our email accounts. I saw some professors asking everybody for the contact some of their graduates (MPhil or PhD graduates, and Bruce was one of them!) The policy is just causing troubles to both parties. I discussed this with department and the answer was that there is only one digit appending to our names, so somebody may need the email addresses in 10 years...
I was told in the first year that 'engineering' is about problem solving. But when I graduated, I found that they couldn't solve the problem of '十年蟲'."
搵人同 department head 講下啦.