時間:Sun Feb 19 23:53:41 2006
下午茶吃了家很糟糕的餐廳, 裝修﹑餐牌都很像那擺明敷衍食客的椰林閣,
但呢間更厲害, 雞翼炸爛的冇味的﹑檸粉一碗水湯般的﹑香蕉多士是酸的,
地方骯髒﹑侍應散漫. 平又有乜用?
晚飯在西環, czarina滿座, 走到一間叫尼斯餐廳的平野 ($4x 個餐),
但淡淡的芝士味道剛好混在吞拿魚飯裏, 雖然我猜大多食倌會覺得唔夠喉.
凍檸茶絕對有級數之分, 大多快餐店甜到膩﹑酸到死﹑太多冰的應該叫做酸甜茶.
昨天飲左杯真正涼爽清甜才叫較好, 種感覺真係入心的.
凍檸茶整得差, 飲左會封住個頭唱唔到歌架.
而整得好凍檸茶的地方, 並不多.
咁搞法我係屋企自己整得啦, 駛鬼幫襯你?
頂丫, first impression 真係好重要.
果日聽大師班條友唱的曼儂勁唔掂, 似是而非.
搞到而家搵返 Gedda 黎聽都冇晒心機......
在 MDI 那晚留了e-mail, 佢地遲些有場收費 vocal recital, 搜索那唱者找到這音樂會影片.
細妹揀 exchange, 想出國.
她這方面可比我獨立, 我無論幾時都係冇乜想法的, 也不會去計劃自己的路.
我是避開麻煩﹑避開失敗﹑避開壓力的性子 (也叫「知其不可為而不為知」), 很少容許自己去找甚麼雄圖大志.
I am a spontaneous anyway, not a planner.
btw, 前幾日都市日報上面賣左句「(香港)女人最憎男人冇主見」.
該澄清我從來不明白女人這種動物, 也許對阿媽細妹會明一點點.
不過明明冇意見既野, 又點可以格硬黎整到有見地呢?
朋友寫求職文件, 要小弟幫忙審閱, 而小弟對呢類工作從不拒絕, 有時都覺得幾好玩添.
但朋友的英文水平不算高, 看來看去呢度有錯﹑邊度重覆﹑果度改左好d, 見到唔好的地方又好手痕, 唔改對唔住自己,
於是到最後將朋友的原文改頭換面, 大抵過半都係新野, 擲返畀佢睇改成點.
平日作得多 e-mail, 對呢d野唔精通都叫做掌握到七成, 駕輕就熟.
但想想, 問題來了, 朋友拿著跟真實水平不相稱的文章去見工, 遇上英語對話環節, 很容易穿大煲.
因間惹起懷疑, 別人覺得貨不對辦, 反而害苦了大家.
"Last night, it was the concert for City of birmingham symphony chorus.
Thursday night Mahler No.2 is good.
but last night, their perform is medicore.
I am okay with britten's five mysterical song. but the Faure requiem is not as good as others.
Five mysterical song.. Cathedral choir sung the 1st and the last. The 1st one sings with Prof. Richard Frewer. The last one has been sung very frequently with choir festival. I miss the high A from Tenor. They are not very powerful indeed.
I hate the soprano solo in first place. How come she perform glissando when singing Agnes Dei. The bio said that she also sings Queen of the night at Australia. I doubt the truth and the quality of that opera house. The intonation is good but the performance is bad!!
A chorus of 120 people. Of course, there should be some strange people do some strange things. such as the 1st row tenor. 1 stand terrible stand. 1 stand and bent to the other one. 1 stand while swinging. I understand Faure is insteresting but I hate people swing when singing. Very distrub!!
Also, the people are too many. most of the diction are not very clear.
But of course, HK Phil good very good. Leung Kin Fung do the violin solo. So outstanding!"
"The principle is for man, value rise as age grow. The principal for woman, value drop as age grow" (herbtam)
"昨晚去了文化中心聽concert,張建一同張立平既《歌劇巨星浪漫之夜》。曲目有:Lucia di Lammermoor, Carmen, La Boheme(超變態......), L'Elisir d'Amore, Rigoletto, La Traviata & Madama Butterfly。一開始張建一仲有D留手,不過只限第一首,之後震撼不斷..........
絕招一:首先兩個人面向後台.............跟住.............high C..............證明 wave 既 energy 係唔會因為 reflection 而減弱............
Step one:左手插袋。
Step two:右手搭係欄杆。
Step three:左腳搭係右邊。(注:Step one - Step three 要係同一時間完成。)
Step four:炸 Hall,有high C更佳。
第十八個孤獨既情人節............." (kutar_cannon)
波希米亞人正常歌劇橋段而已, 何來變態?
在想, 那些高音王是怎樣訓練橫隔膜肌肉發出這麼強的承托力, 而整個人又保持正常放鬆的.