

時間:Fri Mar 17 23:14:44 2006

假病病假. 並不想請的病假.

彼得.黃偏偏今日打來約吃飯, 聽頭幾句仲以為係老師打黎添, 人聲有相似.

真糟, 奧海城的意大利快餐經已執笠!! 還有啥可吃??

似乎有位鄰居是個幾勁的 pianist. 佢果邊有時又傳出古箏聲添!

看了Evita的bio. 即同名ALW音樂劇的女主角. 厲害的女人.

看過湯馬斯艾倫爵士的 Largo 不妨再看看 Robert Merrill 的, 呢條友跳脫得麻甩一點, 尤其眼珠轉轉下果度衰格.
Robert Merrill - Il barbiere di Siviglia - Largo al Factotum


"In his letters he (Caruso) wrote to a friend "If I had known the price of celebrity I would have gladly become a member of the Chorus, for three years I have suffered from headaches, and I don't know what to do, since I no longer belong to myself" "

"(Magda?) Olivero on Mario Del Monaco:

When Del Monaco and I sang Francesca da Rimini together at La Scala he explained his whole vocal technique to me. When he finished I said, “My dear Del Monaco, if I had to put into practice all the things you’ve told me, I’d stop singing right away and just disappear.” The technique was so complicated: you push the larynx down, then you push this up, then you do that—in short, it made my head spin just to hear everything he did.

We recorded Francesca excerpts together. Francesca has a beautiful phrase, “Paolo, datemi pace,” marked “piano,” and then Paolo enters with “Inghirlandata di violette,” which also should be sung softly, delicately. Instead, Del Monaco was terrible—he bellowed the phrase [she imitates him and laughs]! When he listened to the playback he exclaimed, “I can’t believe it! After that soft poetic phrase I come in and what do I sound like—a boxer punching with his fists!” He recorded the phrase again, but the second attempt was more or less the same because he was incapable of singing piano. He was furious with himself because he wanted to. He tried everything, but his technique would not permit him to sing softly since it totally was based on the muscles."


tentative Sunday 2.00pm