| 來自: | 時間: | | 來自:ywsing0 | 時間:Tue Mar 21 00:16:07 2006 | | <font face=courier>吃飯時間, 同事收到五六次同一個錄音宣傳. | 劈頭第一句 | 「你有沒有便秘的問題?」 | | | 嘻嘻哈哈﹑笑臉常掛的朋友, 背後家庭原來不很美滿. | 另一些人, 生活甚麼都有了, 卻終日為了芝麻綠豆抱怨. | 心理質素是看個人, 而不是看際遇的. | | | 都唔知把聲幾時好得返. | 唱經典情歌﹑馬勒八號交響曲唱得不成模樣. | 好明顯我是變態的, 明知嗓子愈不成就愈想虐待它. | 原來這個choir 也沒多少人唱得到 low Eb, 真正男低音也挺難找. | 還有這對唔知修唔修理到的耳朵.</font> | | | ... | | Actually Sir Thomas may not have enough vocal heft to sing through Giovanni now. Most often Giovanni is sung by a low-voiced bass-baritone than a high baritone with great top like him. Even lower the tessitura for Leporello, he won't be sounding loud in that range. | | Just my imagination.<br>