| 來自: | 時間: | | 來自:ywsing0 | 時間:Thu Mar 30 13:35:10 2006 | | | After the Cultural Revolution, Tian's climb onto the operatic stage began with two fortuitous steps: first, his acceptance into the re-inaugural class of Beijing's newly reopened Central Conservatory, and second, his studies with the Italian baritone Gino Bechi, the first western opera star invited to teach in China. Tian, who had never seen a western opera, auditioned with a Schubert Lied, much to Bechi's chagrin. 'He said I had a nice voice, but he could only help me if I wanted to sing opera. I had no idea what that meant, but I said, "Yes, Maestro, I want to be an opera singer"'. | | | 之前睇d網頁我以為佢自學既... | 大概係 | 佢係大陸做開工廠, 有朝一日矇查查去到美國, | 帶住把聲去大都會試音, 仲要唔記得咩事畀個伴奏飛起, | 嚇到標尿差d想走, 但臨急拉住之前果個的伴奏, 結果, he made it...... | | | Gino Bechi 1913-1993 都幾出名. | | | | Don Carlos: Ella giammai m'amo | | | 聽不出難在那兒. | | | | Faust: Vous qui faites l'endormie | | | HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!<br>