stomache... late for tax!

時間:Wed Apr 19 18:07:09 2006


第二期稅款繳交日 = 四月十日
遲交罰款 5%!!
而我將稅單擺左係檯頭三個月當 mouse pad 都唔記得去交...

返去仲要慢慢睇清楚 -.-"

跟中同陳及黃午膳, 在中環兜大圈. 最終還是回到太子行.

Europe is a good place... so pleasant.

"a tenor normally starts to cover his notes or better to "focus" on F, F# and G, and it is usually a forced and unnatural sound which a young man finds hard to believe in, but it is a sound which is technically and anatomically speaking produces a rest for the vocal cords, which will then be ready when the voice goes higher, to vibrate with greater elasticity (huh?) and therefore enables the notes to be taken which are Bb, B and C, the most difficult notes for the tenor." (Pavarotti)

David Melnick wrote:

> Can anyone say how to save Youtube video clips to one's hard
> drive? I'm not greedy or anything, but I remember the fate
> of Napster....
> dav
If you go to the instructions should be fairly straightforward.

Any problems please do not hesitate to contact me.

我冇聽錯, Lanza 唱 Nessun dorma 未到粒A之前已經flat 左.