時間:Mon May 15 00:16:33 2006
旺角新世紀的 PK cafe 果然 PK 得很, (記得陳這樣批評過的). 很糟糕. ATE2xx (配ZF) 行 59x 上屯公個四波大晒, 冇得彈. 晚間往何文田房署的員工餐廳, 母家一眾親戚跟外祖母慶祝母親節. 這兒的餸菜簡直是 MSG 大餐, 大家都食到頭暈身慶, 味精吃得胃口全倒掉. 沒子啊, 母親節那兒都難搵位, 只有來這種地方. 表妹回來了. (黑社會2.以和為貴) 姨長對表妹:「襯而家大家都係度,我地三口六面講清楚, 點可以咁講野架, 讀書好重要架嘛. ※ Anyone agree? "I started to write something very similar. What is your definition of "making it?" Mine is to be a working singer and voice teacher, to not have to work in an outside field to survive. My ex-husband once set deadlines for me: "If you are not doing a role outside of the chorus by 28, you should hang it up." Done. Chris" |