Re:High School Classmate

時間:Fri Jul 21 23:32:22 2006

| 來自:Jeremy
時間:Fri Jul 21 02:23:17 2006

hi Sing,

Do you know if anyone still have contact with 李兆荣, 陸潯, 麥應昌, 蒲俊毅, and 黃怡樂? I want their email address so I can update the information.



Contacted Mak and got his e-mail. Have sent that to your gmail account.

I also have Po's ICQ, and probably also Li's (I'm not sure if that contact is him!). But they rarely came online... tried to drop them messages. OTOH, Spencer should know how to contact Po. He is closest to Po, for their shared interest in computer gaming.

I think I've seen Luk's home phone somewhere in my home, but even if I got it again, I don't know what to call him for...

Oh, just found Po's home phone in an old notebook.

No clue for Wong.
