時間:Sun Jul 30 01:04:32 2006
原本打算再下波子棋, 還是算了. 今次吃完飯叫做練定聲, 準時往上堂. 「小小進步。」教自己一個乖, 趕車趕船冇益, 計好時間施施然去上堂的通常好得多. 下課往旺角, 再到中央圖書館看書. 圖書館在裝修, 裝修後的淺綠色著實不能恭維. 原有的白牆不是挺好麼. 第一次看臥龍生武俠小說, 看了幾十頁. 遇大雨, 腳全濕. 到星際, 四仔情況不如八卦雜誌講的嚴重, 不過間鹹碟舖專登打晒燈光光猛猛. 呀, 我是來看書的. 到奧海城吃飯, Double Star Cafe. 在超市入貨後回家. 四眼仔又聽故事. 係咪因為我係男仔, 所以覺得自主好重要? ※ Audit time. 29 Jun 2006 ATM WITHDRAWAL (29JUN06) 400.00 Today - .4k withdrawal, .9k lesson fee. ※ The tenor for whom the role of Manrico was written not only did not have a high C, he had trouble with B's and B flats. Throughout the score of Trovatore supplied for the tenor, Verdi was very careful in every duet with Leonora to make sure there was an ossia low enough that the tenor could manage it. Some years later another tenor specifically asked Verdi if he could interpolate a C at the end of "Di quella pira." "Yes, give the audience a gift," was Verdi's reply. At one point Riccardo Muti was rehearsing for a perfomance of Rigoletto. The tenor wanted to interpolate a B at the end of "La donna e mobile." Muti wouldn't let him, but, on opening night, the tenor avenged himself. Late in the last act when Rigoletto, unawares, is dragging the sack with Gilda's body in it, he hears the Duke singing "La donna e mobile" in the distance, and this time "La donna" ends with a high B, which the tenor is supposed to sing softly as if falling asleep. Muti's tenor seized on the B, sang it as loud as he could and held onto it as long as he could. -david gable |