時間:Mon Aug 21 19:27:37 2006
到翠華. DN 自從上星期在日式餐廳"我跟你去跟"事件之後, 火氣愈來愈大, 不知是否跟工作壓力有關. 今天的語氣像總是在說「你地冇乜野做啦」一樣, 大家都係跟規矩返工嗟... 缺氧缺能量的下午. 坐小輪. |
and I'll be a rover
you'll know who I am, by the songs that I sing
I'll feasible at your table, I'll sleep in your clover
who cares what the morrow shall bring
...I can't live on promises winter to spring.
...I'll laugh and I'll cry, and I'll sing.
I can say that I am not a good lover.
p.s. 點解d人翻唱 today 居然唔唱最有意思的呢幾句.
這首歌的真諦不見了, 真捨本逐末.