時間:Mon Aug 28 20:21:55 2006
我睇到個CU chorus discussion board, 但次次一click d文章就出呢個. 係我問題? Not Found
The requested URL /~z044538/wwwboard/show.php was not found on this server.未遇過問題喎
我可能用錯網址. 你用咩網址入?
時間:Mon Aug 28 20:21:55 2006
我睇到個CU chorus discussion board, 但次次一click d文章就出呢個. 係我問題? Not Found
The requested URL /~z044538/wwwboard/show.php was not found on this server.未遇過問題喎
我可能用錯網址. 你用咩網址入?