Re:Thomas Quasthoff

時間:Mon Sep 25 00:08:39 2006

原來係咁... 久聞此名, 但未見過.
果時老師同我講「有個 singer 冇手冇腳都唱得好,你 d 手手腳腳咁緊張,冇左手腳咪唱唔到囉?」

佢個身同頭搖得好勁, 中間套video睇到頭暈. 同埋大唔大聲?
"Andrea Bocelli is not an opera singer," he proclaims, "and I cannot understand why Pavarotti should have called him 'my successor'. What is that? Where are we living? Where is the quality? Why are big conductors making records with this guy? I am a teacher, and I know how hard it is to learn classical singing. He is not a classical artist."