時間:Sun Oct 29 00:12:01 2006
「你而家係唱馬勒既聲勒,變返正常唱歌方法啦。好 force. 你當係唱 Schumann, 唔係 Mahler.」
似乎由馬八至今都有用力的傾向, 練聲時老師都覺到了.
Some Enchanted Evening
粒E都係緊緊地, 好似閹左咁聲.
老師教的唱法很 lyrical, 比我聽的 recording 更多感情表達,
柔情似水, 老師本身都是很情深得可以的人吧.
Zwei Venetianische Lieder
近視, 看不清份譜! 回家查每隻字的意思.
唔好再馬勒喇, 唱到咁用力. 撇去 resonance, 用共鳴就唔多唔少用左力.
唱 lieder 要自自然然, 唔可以咁 artificial, 唔駛大聲, 用最簡單的聲音就 OK 了.
傾起莫, 老師話佢將 d note 拉到好 "長," 同埋當年唱爆 highC.
tenors 們何止 confident, 簡直是 arrogant.
Zwei Venetianische Lieder
Leis' rudern hier, mein Gondolier, Leis', leis'! Die Flut vom Ruder sprühn so leise. Laß, daß sie uns nur Vernimmt, zu der wir zieh'n! O könnte, wie er schauen kann, Der Himmel redentraun, Er spräche vieles wohl von dem, Was Nachts die Sterne schau'n! Leis'! Nun rasten hier, | Row gently here, My gondolier, Gently, gently! So softly wake the tide, That not an ear on earth may hear But hers to whom we glide. Had Heaven but tongues to speak, as well As starry eyes to see, Oh, think what tales 'twould have to tell Of wand'ring youths like me! Gently! Now rest thee here, |