| 來自:ywsing0 | 時間:Sun Oct 29 00:12:01 2006 | | <font face=simsun>「你而家係唱馬勒既聲勒,變返正常唱歌方法啦。好 force. 你當係唱 Schumann, 唔係 Mahler.」 | 似乎由馬八至今都有用力的傾向, 練聲時老師都覺到了. | | | Some Enchanted Evening | 句尾放輕地收. | 粒E都係緊緊地, 好似閹左咁聲. | 老師教的唱法很 lyrical, 比我聽的 recording 更多感情表達, | 柔情似水, 老師本身都是很情深得可以的人吧. | | | Zwei Venetianische Lieder | 近視, 看不清份譜! 回家查每隻字的意思. | 唔好再馬勒喇, 唱到咁用力. 撇去 resonance, 用共鳴就唔多唔少用左力. | 唱 lieder 要自自然然, 唔可以咁 artificial, 唔駛大聲, 用最簡單的聲音就 OK 了. | | | 「以前把聲涯到五分鐘,而家唱到十分鐘啦。」 | | 傾起莫, 老師話佢將 d note 拉到好 "長," 同埋當年唱爆 highC. | | tenors 們何止 confident, 簡直是 arrogant.</font> | | | | <hr width=400 align=left> | | <font face='palatino linotype' color=#888822 size=5><i>Zwei Venetianische Lieder</i></font> | | <table><tr><td><font face='palatino linotype' color=#996633>Leis' rudern hier, | mein Gondolier, | Leis', leis'! | Die Flut vom Ruder sprühn so leise. | Laß, daß sie uns nur | Vernimmt, zu der wir zieh'n! | O könnte, wie er schauen kann, | Der Himmel redentraun, | Er spräche vieles wohl von dem, | Was Nachts die Sterne schau'n! | Leis'! | | Nun rasten hier, | Mein Gondolier, | Sacht, sacht! | Ins Boot die Ruder! sacht! | Auf zum Balkone schwing' ich mich, | doch du hältst unten Wacht, | O wollten halb so eifrig nur | dem Himmel wir uns weih'n, | als schöner Weiber Diensten trau'n, | wir könnten Engel sein! Sacht! | </font></td><td width=20/> | <td><font face='palatino linotype' color=#777755>Row gently here, | My gondolier, | Gently, gently! | So softly wake the tide, | That not an ear on earth may hear | But hers to whom we glide. | Had Heaven but tongues to speak, as well | As starry eyes to see, | Oh, think what tales 'twould have to tell | Of wand'ring youths like me! | Gently! | | Now rest thee here, | My gondolier, | Hush, hush, for up I go, | To climb yon light | Balcony's height | While thou keep'st watch below. | Ah! did we take for Heaven above | But half such pains as we | Take, day and night, for women's love, | What Angels we should be! | </font></td></tr></table> | <a href=http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=19521>http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=19521</a>