| 來自:ywsing0 | 時間:Fri Nov 10 21:49:16 2006 | | <table width=600><tr><td><font face=simsun>浸大金禧校慶音樂會<a href=http://net2.hkbu.edu.hk/~50years/50th_Anni_Concert/Index.html>http://net2.hkbu.edu.hk/~50years/50th_Anni_Concert/Index.html</a> | | | 天星碼頭一晚比一晚多人, 這座快拆的小小大樓變成了熱點, 有男有女有老有少有短打隨便有西裝骨骨拿著相機匆忙左拍右拍. 昨晚那間 DYMOCKS 還在 closing sales, 可惜沒甚麼對路的書, 有折也不便宜吧! 這麼多人拍照倒不多我一個, 反正將來網站和明信片多的是, 唯入閘上船下船的感覺才一去不返. 大會堂旁沒有碼頭也將遜色很多. 明晚下班我大有可能趕到舊碼頭最後一天的晚船, 到星期天便要走到數百米外的新碼頭. 天氣景色都不錯, 船上人也多, 指著新舊碼頭在指指點點. 還有人跟船員合照 (其實拆的只是碼頭, 不是解散小輪). | | 新的碼頭倒很大, 說是照百年前作設計, 看來卻只像甚麼樂園的建築物, 大抵只有後生小子會喜歡. 說真的, 舊大樓的設計以實用為主, 建築特色並不多, 靜靜的坐在海旁也談不上如何氣魄宏偉, 可是藏有整整三代人來回兩岸的情意結, 捨不得的大有人在. 不過, 真正有年代的大樓, 每一舊石每一件木都在在訴說歷史的色彩, 隱藏著各式各樣童年美夢﹑成長經歷﹑生活艱澀, 又怎能模仿得到呢. 尖沙咀和灣仔的碼頭是否不比中環舊呢? 因為我是天天乘坐的人, 不用專程花幾十元坐最後一程作懷念吧. | | | ※ | | | </font><font size=3>Lea Salonga in Concert | | Salonga came home to Manila to perform. The concert seemed to date circa 2002, since she mentioned about low broadway sales after 911. | | Salonga is simply gorgeous: a natural singer with elegant shape in Asian style. What musicality she has! With a perfect storytelling English tone, you still can hear her innermost emotion crafted in each phrase. Her ability to change moods between songs is so amazing, as demonstrated in the Andrew Lloyd Webber medley. The songs are specially chosen by the Diva; all are really what she loved, rather than doing everything already very popular just to satisfy audience. This includes even some music mostly unheard of, like a song dropped off from Miss Saigon show, through which she has sang in hundreds of rehearsals. | | The talented young girl who opened the concert also worth mentioning. I was unable to catch her name, but she has a strong voice and a stage presence no weaker than Salonga herself. The young and the mature did a fantastic dance duet before break, the dancing and acting seems to say musical is really more than the music. | | The concert ended a little bit short and no encore was given in the video. One may miss the too famous melodies in West Side Story, Miss Saigon or Mulan, however the performance with a slightly different repertoire was as good as it can be.</font></td></tr></table>